Bereavement Support payment for those affected by loss
When someone dies, there are certain things that have to be done, but this is often at an incredibly difficult time, when we feel least able to manage. Worrying about finances if you have to pay for a loved one’s funeral can make an already difficult time even more distressing.
You might not be aware of the financial help available to support you following a bereavement and in most circumstances, you are not informed about the benefits available, or whether you are eligible to claim them.
Our dedicated private client team have informed clients of the Bereavement Support Payment where appropriate, ensuring they get the help and support they need following a bereavement.
If your partner has died, you might be able to claim Bereavement Support Payment.
When your partner died, you must have been:
- under State Pension age;
- living in the UK or a country that pays bereavement benefits;
- married to your partner, in a civil partnership with them, or living with them as if you were married.
You can claim the Bereavement Support payment even if you weren’t married or in a civil partnership. However, in order to be eligible, you must look after a child who lived with you and your partner and you receive Child Benefit for this child.
Your partner must have either:
- paid National Insurance contributions for at least 25 weeks in one tax year, or
- died because of an accident at work, or a disease caused by their work
It doesn’t matter what your income is, if you have any savings or if you’re working, as the benefit is not means-tested.
There are deadlines as to when you can make your claim. To be eligible for the full Bereavement Support payment, you must make your application to the Department for Work and Pensions within three months of your partner’s death.
Bereavement Support Payment is only paid for 18 months after the date your spouse or civil partner died, so it’s important you claim as soon as possible.
There are many ways you can apply for the Bereavement Support payment:
- call the Bereavement Service helpline on 0800 151 2012
- download a claim form on GOV.UK and apply by post
- apply online on GOV.UK (this is a trial service, so it only allows a small number of daily applications)
- contact your local Jobcentre Plus to have a form sent to you by post.