If you or your business are having difficulties paying debts, struggling with temporary cash flow problems or potential insolvency, our corporate recovery team can help you explore the options open to you.
Acting for both insolvency practitioners and companies, and individuals experiencing difficulties, we work closely with clients to provide practical, clear and expert advice.
If you are a director of a struggling company, our team can guide you through your statutory duties and obligations and advise you how to avoid wrongful or fraudulent trading, making preference payments or conducting transactions at an undervalue.
Often, time is of the essence when it comes to managing business recovery or restructuring, so call our team as soon as you can for prompt, clear support that is tailored to your circumstances.
Get in touch with our friendly team of advisors on enquiries@andrewjackson.co.uk for help and advice on any aspect of Corporate Recovery and/or Insolvency and how it may affect you and your business.
Or call your preferred office today to speak to a member of the team.